
Winter Wonderland

It has been about 48 hours now since I stepped off the plane, back in Vegas after traveling up to Colorado. I guess you could say after my inspirational Thanksgiving trip, I had a hard time resisting the call of the mountains. This trip was no less inspiring than the last, filled with even more adventures, stunning views and more snow than I had ever seen before. It was magic. With camera in hand, I captured some of the best parts of one of my favorite places on earth:

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

Photo Credit: Madeline Beard

As I ventured across the state, skiing for the first time, diving into late night hot springs, going on hikes, and staying in some wondrous places, a soundtrack accompanied my travels.

It’s safe to say I’m ready to plan my next Colorado adventure, but for now I will reflect on the beautiful memories made during my time there. Simply the best way to ring in the new year.

Mountains + Air

The last few days have been restorative. Plenty of sleep, delicious meals, time spent playing with the cutest children and making memories with family, and precious moments giving thanks for the beautiful gifts this life has given me.

Yesterday I got to take a few hours to breathe in the mountain air, enjoy the gorgeous scenery and embrace life in the here and now. I spent five important summers in Colorado at Sanborn Western Camps (from age 10 to 16) and now whenever I come back for a visit, I feel right at home. I love the District for its constant movement and energy, but there is something so perfect about being able to take a walk in the woods and only hear the sound of your own footsteps.

More photos from our thanksgiving feast to come, for now a few fitting quotes and songs that have marked my trip: